State & Local Policy

In an election year when immigration is the top issue in the minds of many voters, these policies exacerbate xenophobic, anti-immigrant, and racist sentiments that further dehumanize and criminalize immigrant and refugee communities while also expanding state powers to detain, deport, and terrorize undocumented individuals. To respond to this moment, organizations are leveraging different strategies–from litigation to organizing–to prevent the implementation of  these policies and create a more welcoming country for all.
May 2024
In 2022 GCIR adopted a policy agenda informed by input from immigrant justice movement leaders, GCIR members, and other stakeholders. The agenda aims to address the challenges that deny individuals the freedom to stay, move, work, transform, and thrive, and reflects potential solutions identified by the immigrant justice movement for addressing these challenges.
September 2022
Find all program-related materials for GCIR Webinar, "Strategies for Advancing Pro-immigrant Policies", here, including recording and powerpoint. 
September 2022
Program Materials
While there has been a long history of efforts to erase and exclude immigrants, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities, this timeline shows how powerfully communities in Texas have resisted. From Indigenous nations fighting to preserve their culture to BIPOC communities organizing to end the criminalization of Black and Brown lives, people have sought to protect their freedom to move, stay, work, and thrive.
May 2022
Roughly two months into the Biden administration, we will take a look at the administration’s immigration policy agenda—what has been achieved, what remains to be done, and what obstacles stand in the way.
March 2021
This funder briefing will contextualize state and federal tax policy shifts, provide lessons learned from the field, and offer opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, collaboration, and action planning.
September 2018
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