Refugee & Asylum Status

This memorandum synthesizes interviews with key advocate stakeholders to identify the current challenges facing the U.S. asylum system, asylum seekers, and advocates for asylum seekers, and strategic leverage points and funding opportunities for grantmakers.
March 2019
Over the past year-and-a-half, the systems and infrastructure that support and protect the most vulnerable immigrants have been gravely damaged. Please join the Southern California Grantmakers (SCG) to learn how these issues impact local communities in California, what leaders are doing to respond and opportunities for philanthropy to engage.
August 2018
Co-Sponsored Program
In light of the intensifying attacks on immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, I want to keep you—our members, funders, partners, and stakeholders—informed of our work on a more regular basis. This midway point in the year, coinciding with my return from sabbatical, provides a good opportunity to launch this quarterly update.
July 2018
President's Message
This call, held in honor of World Refugee Day, will explore several innovative models during this era of the global refugee crisis. Join to hear from leading figures in the field about the potential and lessons learned of their approaches.
June 2017
This presentation covers intersectional community-based projects on refugees, the evolving perspectives on refugee integration, and what funders can do.
World Refugee Day: Expanding Perspectives on Refugee Integration
June 2016
These funding recommendations focus on how funders can support refugees along their resettlement and integration journey in the United States.
June 2016
Funding Recommendations
These funding recommendations cover a broad range of options for funders seeking to respond to the Central American unaccompanied minors crisis.
Central American Refugee and Migrant Children and Families Seeking Protection in the United States: Updated Recommendations for Philanthropic Response
May 2016
Funding Recommendations


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