Immigration Policy

Looking back on the first year of the Biden administration, we remember that there was initially great promise and early progress toward advancing immigrant justice and restoring immigrant rights. Theadministration began by undoing many of the Trump administration’s racist and draconian immigration policies, including fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), rescinding the Muslim Ban, and ending government funding of a border wall. Yet, recent actions taken by the current administration, such as expelling Haitian migrants and increasing the number of immigrant detainees during a worldwide pandemic, continue to negatively impact communities.
White House
January 2022
On December 21, 2020, the Presidents’ Alliance and TheDream.US sent a letter to the incoming administration with their top recommendations to improve and expand DACA.
December 2020
Progressive Democrats in Congress are calling for President-elect Joe Biden to dismantle the federal government’s deportation machine, broaden immigrants’ access to social safety net programs, and rely far less on detention to ensure that immigrants show up for court hearings.
December 2020
News Article
Join GCIR and leading organizations for a discussion on the key immigration priorities, strategies, and needs heading into 2021 and how philanthropy can build on investments in recent years to promote success in the first 100 days of the Biden administration and beyond. GCIR’s recommendations for philanthropy will also be released during the program.
December 2020
Making the case for ending immigrant detention and looking at possible alternatives.
December 2020
Commentary looking at how immigration advocates can play a role in fostering national unity.
December 2020
President-elect Joe Biden’s plan on immigration stands in stark contrast to the xenophobic agenda the Trump administration has put forward the last four years. Much of Biden’s plan revolves around undoing some of the most damaging policies enacted under President Trump.
December 2020
Center for American Progress' recommendations on policy changes the incoming Biden Administration can make.
December 2020
President-elect Joe Biden will take office under pressure to repudiate and rescind many, if not most, of the more than 400 executive actions President Trump has used to tighten the U.S. immigration system. But Biden also will start his term in a bind that could make such changes difficult to accomplish in short order.
December 2020
News Article
The new immigration system has eliminated the core principles of immigration law and replaced them with the current president’s own preferences. It’s time for Congress to rectify it.
December 2020


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