Immigration Policy

Join this briefing with Black migrant leaders and funders to learn more about the growing number of Black migrants in the U.S. and the unique and urgent challenges facing Black migrant communities; the critical leadership roles Black migrant organizations play in the movements for immigrant and racial justice; and what funders can do to invest in Black migrant communities, including supporting the Black Migrant Power Fund.
June 2022
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "A Call to Action: Investing in Black Leadership for Migrant and Racial Justice" here, including program recording and powerpoint. 
June 2022
Program Materials
While there has been a long history of efforts to erase and exclude immigrants, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities, this timeline shows how powerfully communities in Texas have resisted. From Indigenous nations fighting to preserve their culture to BIPOC communities organizing to end the criminalization of Black and Brown lives, people have sought to protect their freedom to move, stay, work, and thrive.
May 2022
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening workshop, "Black Immigrants and the Fight for Racial Justice."
May 2022
Program Materials
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