Co-Sponsored Program

Join coordinating committee members from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), UnidosUS, and The Children’s Partnership, to learn more about CTAN’s emerging work as the country continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and systemic racism.
July 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
Join ReWork the Bay, in partnership with the San Francisco Foundation and the Grove Foundation, who have mapped cash relief efforts across the nine-county Bay Area, as a first step toward strengthening the infrastructure needed to ensure undocumented residents can safely and efficiently access cash relief.
June 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
Join Workforce Matters to discuss the strategies three foundations are using to respond to working families’ near-term needs related to income, employment, job training, and supportive services while sustaining their long-term work to reduce disparities and injustices and advance family economic security. 
May 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
Join practitioners and fellow funders for a conversation on how COVID-19 (‘Coronavirus’) is impacting 2020 civic engagement programs, organizations, and people, and discuss how to support shifts in program and operations.
March 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
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