Co-Sponsored Program

Join ReWork the Bay, in partnership with the San Francisco Foundation and the Grove Foundation, who have mapped cash relief efforts across the nine-county Bay Area, as a first step toward strengthening the infrastructure needed to ensure undocumented residents can safely and efficiently access cash relief.
June 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
Join the New Florida Majority and Resilience Force for a conversation about equity in hurricane recovery in florida.
February 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
The Florida Majority and Resilience Force Logos_A Conversation About Equity in Hurricane Recovery in Florida
Please join Northern California Grantmakers and experts to hear about best practices for supporting people with the least access to resources: 1) people with disabilities, 2) immigrants and farm workers, 3) low-income residents, and 4) older adults and seniors.
October 2019
Co-Sponsored Program
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